

Recreation Section board consists of Chair, Chair-Elect, Past Chair, Secretary/Treasurer, Regional representatives, and a WPRA Board Liaison. Together, the Recreation Section Board strives to offer quality educational opportunities at the Annual Conference and Fall Workshop, while working alongside with the Park, Aquatics and Young Professional sections. Furthermore, the board addresses updates, changes or concerns pertaining to budget, awards, youth leadership, workshops and conferences.

2024 Recreation Section Manual

2024 Recreation Section Board Members

Kassandra Humke
Emma Magadanz
Adrienne L. Lacy
Samantha Meyer
Region I Representative
Jeff Brazzle
Region II Representative
Holly Pohl
Region III Representative
Erica Wasserman
Region IV Representative

Katie Roth
Past Chairperson

Brooke Pfund
Community Based Education 
& Leisure Service 


View Past Agendas & Minutes