WPRA Conduct Policy for all WPRA Events and Activities

The Wisconsin Park and Recreation Association recognizes the diversity that exists within our profession, our membership, and those attending WPRA events. As a participant, we want you to enjoy your time at WPRA events and activities. We ask that you join us in encouraging and maintaining the highest professional standards possible at all functions of the Association. Attendees, presenters, vendors, and staff at WPRA events/activities are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a courteous, professional, and respectful manner.

Attendees are required to abstain from behavior that reflects poorly on their agency, the Wisconsin Park and Recreation Association, the membership, and fellow attendees. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, actions disrupting the businesslike atmosphere, harassment, discrimination, inappropriate language, failing to comply with all local, state, and federal laws, and activities that endanger yourself and others.

While we do not anticipate these challenges, we do want to be transparent regarding our commitment to assuring a safe and enjoyable environment for all event participants and let you know that misconduct will be addressed with you individually and/or with your employer. Attendees, presenters, vendors, and staff who do not comply with this code of conduct at any event/activity may be removed from said event and barred from attending all future WPRA sponsored or co-sponsored events/activities, and may be subject to having their membership in the Association revoked.

When registering for an event/activity (whether you individually process the registration or designate someone to do that on your behalf) you are agreeing that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by the stated policy.

Should you feel in immediate danger and fear for your personal safety or witness a crime being committed, you should contact the appropriate law enforcement officials before contacting our staff.

This policy and process is not intended to override or replace any policy of your employing organization.

The guidance below should apply in situations other than those in which your immediate personal safety is in danger.  Your concern is of paramount importance to the Association, and to the extent possible, your identity will be kept confidential and explicit details of the incident will be confidential to be discussed only with the parties responsible for discharging action.

To report a concern/complaint:

While attending any event/activity hosted by the Association, should you be disrupted by any behavior of a registered delegate, vendor, speaker, guest or WPRA Staff; or witness any disruptive behavior by a registered delegate, vendor, speaker, guest or WPRA Staff, you should immediately contact the WPRA Executive Director.  If the Executive Director is not readily available, contact the WPRA representative in charge of the event/activity who will provide you contact information for the Executive Director.

The Executive Director will make note of your concerns and together with you, will develop a plan of action, which may include notifying the WPRA Board of Directors who is responsible for discharging action in these cases, or if the incident rises to the level, notifying the appropriate law enforcement or security personnel.

Depending on the complexity of the concern/complaint, immediate action may be taken, or a plan for future action may be developed in coordination with you.

Disruptive Behavior:

There are many forms of behavior that may disrupt the businesslike atmosphere that WPRA strives to provide at any and all events/activities.  These may include but are not limited to

  • harassment for any reason, levied against any delegate, vendor, speaker, WPRA Staff, venue staff, or member of the general public;
  • discrimination of any kind levied against any delegate, vendor, speaker, WPRA Staff, venue staff, or member of the general public;
  • inappropriate language targeting any delegate, vendor, speaker, WPRA Staff, venue staff, or member of the general public;
  • inappropriate language during an educational session or at any time during the course of the event/activity;
  • hosting any gathering individually while attending an WPRA event/activity which disrupts other delegates or venue guests, whether in a public space or in the confines of your sleeping room;
  • failure to comply with local, state, and federal laws, and activities;
  • any and all activities that, in the opinion of venue security or WPRA, endanger yourself or others, or are of a disruptive nature.

A Word of Caution:

At no time should a participant at an event/activity place themselves in danger by interceding in an incident.  Regardless of any training you may have had, it is best to immediately notify the WPRA Representative so that the Association process can commence and be followed in order to protect all parties involved.


Should you be party to a concern/complaint during an WPRA event/activity, or witness concerning behavior during an WPRA event/activity, the Association will take quick action to resolve the concern/complaint.  Said action will include consideration of the reporting party(ies).

After a concern/complaint has been communicated to Association officials:

  • The reporting party will provide their concern/complaint to the WPRA Executive Director who will engage the WPRA Board of Directors. 
  • Priority will be to immediately alleviate any concern of the reporting party for their individual safety.
  • Once all parties are safe, a plan will be developed to discharge action based on the conduct policy of the Association.  It should be noted that not every potential incident can be predicted or planned for, therefore the Association reserves the right to discharge action on a case by case basis, in a consistent manner, and after conferring with Association legal counsel.

Action may include but is not limited to:

  • Any physical contact between any participant in an event/activity will result in immediate removal of all parties from the event/activity.  Law Enforcement or venue security may be engaged, and if at such time as they are engaged, the Association will yield to them to handle any incident that involves local, state, or federal laws.  The Association may also choose to notify the participant’s employer should the action indicate the need to prohibit the individual from returning to the event/activity or future events/activities.
  • Concerns/Complaints of harassment, discrimination or inappropriate language may be handled with swift action or may be handled post event/activity.  Action may include but is not limited to: removal as a participant from the event/activity; counseling on the action which caused the complaint to be brought forward; barring from future speaking or vendor engagements with the Association, or notification of the individual’s employer.

Should Law Enforcement or Venue Security Become Involved:

WPRA will never intervene in incidents where law enforcement authorities or venue security have become involved and will assist the appropriate authorities to the extent that we can in investigating any complaint.  As part of our agreements with host venues, we ask to be notified when law enforcement or security become involved, and will commence our process on receipt of the report of the law enforcement agency or venue security; or when notified by an involved party or witness to the incident.

WPRA communicates our policies on conduct to hotel venues for large Association events.  Where possible, it is asked that the venue security yield to our policies unless their policy is more stringent.  If the venue has stricter requirements, the venue security policy will supersede WPRA policy.

A Final Word:

The Wisconsin Park and Recreation Association remains committed to providing a safe environment at all of our events/activities.  Of paramount importance is that each participant recognizes the diverse nature of our participants and members at any Association event/activity, and commits to interacting in a respectful manner with fellow participants.  The WPRA Board of Directors is charged with the responsibility of safeguarding the Association, its assets, and you as members.  This document is meant to provide you with clear information on how to voice a concern/complaint and what you can expect from WPRA once that occurs.  Should you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the WPRA Executive Office. We are here to work through any concerns you may have as you participate in WPRA events and activities.

WPRA Health Acknowledgement

Please be sure to review any advisories, restrictions, and guidelines that may be in place for travel to any WPRA (Wisconsin Park & Recreation Association) event or large gathering.

Masks are recommended for all participants. Protocols change quickly, please be prepared to wear a mask at all events and gatherings as they may be required.

By attending and participating in a WPRA sponsored event, you are confirming that, to the best of your knowledge, you and all accompanying guests are not experiencing any of the following symptoms of COVID-19 as identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at CDC.gov, including:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Attendees who cannot confirm all the above criteria at the time of the event are asked to consider not attending the WPRA sponsored event. If at any point during your attendance you or your guest start to exhibit potential symptoms, we ask you consider not attending any WPRA sponsored event.

An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place or gathering. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to serve illness and death.

By attending a WPRA event, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and further acknowledge that you understand and will follow all health and safety protocols established by the WPRA and the event location. Failure to abide by all health and safety protocols implemented for the event is grounds for being asked to leave the event without refund.

If you test positive after attending a WPRA sponsored event, please contact [email protected]. Attendance (Name/Email) must be taken at all WPRA sponsored events.